Empowering Creativity and Innovation, Building Community
Gorge MakerSpace is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization serving the diverse makers, artists, and doers of the Columbia Gorge community.
Learn To Make, Make To Learn
Our mission at Gorge Makerspace is to empower and inspire people of all ages and backgrounds to explore and build their creative skills. Through hands-on projects, camps and workshops, we help unlock the potential of the hands and mind, and reconnect people with their power to make and repair. Our culture of innovation, collaboration, and lifelong learning, creates a space for everyone to discover their way to make a positive impact on the world.
How We’re Fostering Maker Magic
Students receive one-on-one attention from skilled and passionate teachers in a wide variety of topics, including woodworking, woodturning, blacksmithing, digital fabrication, sewing, crafting, and more.
We provide a collaborative space where the diverse makers, artists, and doers of the Columbia Gorge can connect and create through community events, classes and camps. All ages, backgrounds, and skill levels are welcome here!
With a complete fab-lab of robotics, electronics and digital tools, we host several teams of youth who compete nationally in contests for design, invention, marine engineering and chain reaction machines.
At our Open House events we invite everyone in the community to experience the joy of making. Gift making nights for families, repair cafes for broken appliances, and demonstrations by skilled artists are ways we enjoy encouraging new makers.
Ready To Get Making?
Ready To Get Making?
Featured Classes
How You Can Help
The Makers
From fundraisers and tool wishlists to building out brand new work spaces, there are so many ways you can make an impact and support Gorge MakerSpace. Click below to learn how you can help.